Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Parade 2007

We just got home from the annual Christmas parade and guess who the Grand Marshall was this year?? Yep! The 875th Engineer Battalion! So, we all bundled up...Q dressed in his uniform... to walk with the rest of the soldiers and lead the parade and the kids and I rode on the Family Support float...actually...Blake walked behind it and helped carry a banner.

We definitely got our exercise for the night. We only live about 5 blocks from the downtown area, so rather than fight traffic...we just walked and then of course..walked the parade route! Seemed like a good idea, but on the way home, I was just ready for some warmth!!

There were some really great floats this year and it was very humbling to see them honor our soldiers...the theme was "A Star Spangled Christmas" and everyone was so creative! I love this time of year!

Our church float...Southside Community Church

One of my favorites of the night

1 comment:

mindi said...

That is just beautiful. I keep thinking that Christmas next year will be fantastic - Kevin is supposed to return December 1. Is it wrong to wish a year away??