It's getting closer....deployment day looms overhead and taunts my schedule, my dreams, my life. Our guys (the 1037
th) have already begun training for their upcoming deployment to Afghanistan and we're in full military mode now. For me, this part is the most excruciating. My soldier is already there (in his mind) preparing (as he should) for his mission...and me and the kids are trying to carry on life as normal, but it's not. It's not normal for families to live thousands of miles apart. But this is what we do. This is the life we signed up for. We love our country a family...have vowed to pay the sacrifice to keep her safe and free.
...and with all great preparations..there must be a party! Our home church, Southside Community, hosted a Military Appreciation Picnic a few weeks back, to honor the men & women getting ready to deploy, and the families that will hold down the homefront. We have an incredible church that embraces these military families and takes care of them.
Me & my soldier...for a quick snapshot
the military "brats"...actually they're really great kids who have an incredible friendship.
from Left to Right: Blake, Jarred, Mallorye
The Real Army Wives...this is who I'll be doing life with over the next 12 months
Kim, Melissa, Me, & Ginger (yes, there's two of us)
Melissa & her soldier, Chris
Kim & her soldier, Kevin
Kevin & Jarred enjoying some father/son time on the blow up slide...I can't tell who was having more fun..the big kid or the BIG KID!
Ginger & to the bottom We had a blast! We all needed a break from the stress of getting ready for the deployment and Southside came through and delivered just that. There were so many people that helped to make this day fun and relaxing for our military families...those that donated money, donated food, served, planned, donated tshirts...the list goes on. To all those that made this day happen...THANK YOU! To Southside....You guys ROCK!