I love that you're always asking about the kids and your parents and the church...everyone...we're supposed to be worrying about you, not the other way around.
You have the most incredible smile. It's probably the thing I first fell in love with and it can instantly make me feel better.
I absolutely love the way that I fit right in that nook in your arm...like it was made just for
me...I miss that spot.
I giggle when I think about you talking to yourself...quizzing me on the latest movie...& even your snoring...because they are all things that make you..you.
I love that in just a few weeks, I will get to see you and celebrate you...we don't need a birthday for that...it's been way too long since I've seen your face and heard your voice and just got to snuggle up on the couch with you.
I love you!
And I hope that even though you're in the middle of Afghanistan that you'll still find a way to celebrate and know that I'm thinking of you today....
and always!