Thursday, January 10, 2013

{Sick Day}

One of the memories that I treasure about Quentin's parents, is how they would be there for me and our children at the drop of a matter what. I can recall several occasions that Frances would take off work and stay home with one of my sick kiddos, so that I could go to school or to work. I never understood why she would do that; why she would go without ...until today.
Miss Olivia was sent home from daycare with a tummy bug. Mallorye was at her first full day of work at St. Bernards and Matt was training some new guys at his job. It's important to me that they succeed and build their careers so that they can enjoy life with this little bundle of life...important enought that I was happy to leave work to take care of Miss O while mommy & daddy worked.
I remember how comforting it was to me to know that someone was caring for my children that loved them just as much as I did while they were sick...I hope Mallorye & Matt felt that same comfort today...and Nana got some quality cuddle time while giving some TLC :)
Trying to get in a few zzzz's while Olivia rested....
Olivia cuddling her baby while I cuddled her....
Such sad little sickly eyes....she stayed most of the day in my arms and isn't that what sick days are all about? Rest and Pampering!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

{January 1 ~ Resolution Run}

January 1, 2013
The Resolution Run
Paragould, AR
One of my goals for the new year is to run in at least 6, let's clear up something...I'm not really a runner. Shhhh....don't tell my body! I'm trying to sneak this one by. I've been jogging/walking off and on for most of 2012 and have lost 12 pounds in the process, but I'm ready to ramp up my efforts. Being the competitive person that I seemed like a great way to start. My age division is pretty tough, so I know that placing is a far stretched goal, but I do have goals;
The goal for this race?
Finish. In under 30 mintues (which is far from impressive). And to not puke.
I'm proud to say that I did finish. In 28:51 (yay me!). And I did not puke...not even once!
Me & Mallorye crossing the finish line together. I was so proud of my daughter for not quitting and pushing through the discomfort of running in 32 degree wet weather & burning lungs.
After the race....aren't we a pretty sight? LOL
Mallorye with her 3rd place finish in her division! How does that happen? Didn't we cross at the same time?? I told you my age group was competitive! And our friend, Brandi, who placed 1st overall...she's actually the one that got me interested in running and keeps encouraging me to keep trying and keep pressing on.
My 1st race bib and my tshirt.
It really is all about the shirt...I mean if you're going to get out there and sweat and torment your lungs, feet, and really should at least get a tshirt :)
Next race: January 12