Monday, September 7, 2009


It's Fall...or almost ...and I always get a little antsy around this time and feel the need to clean and organize EVERYTHING!

My blog is no exception!

So...over the next few days, I will be updating my blog roll...moving things around...organizing into categories...on and on it goes. Please be patient. And if something isn't there that you're used to seeing...LET ME KNOW! Please. I may have deleted it by accident...I'm kind of known for that.

Ok...back to the blog roll housekeeping....


Sarah Mae said...

Fall does the same thing for me...I actually prefer fall cleaning as opposed to spring cleaning...just something about the chill in the air...

Heather Palacios said...

Hey, how cool...I did a blogroll clean up today too. Was surprised at how many had become inactive! Glad to see you're still going strong.