Finally! After several weeks of waiting and building patience, Matt was able to close on his & Mallorye's house. They are now official exciting!
{Ms. Philhours, Matt, & Mallorye....transferring the dream}
love my my family....thrive on going 90 to nothing most days....enjoy to read....scrapbooks EVERYTHING....blogs EVEN MORE....dreams of being a SAHM....happiest when surrounded by family....loves order...ok, so I'm with it....favorite phrase: "put your big girl panties on and get over it".....I have a list....and I'm not afraid to use it....if I lost my DayPlanner, the world as we know it, would cease to exist
hero... supporter... encourager.... loves the outdoors... has dreams of owning his own restaurant.... loves me unconditionally and without reservation
Mallorye...The Princess
has transformed overnight into a beautiful woman.... is now Mrs. Matt Wesley....very opinionated... enjoys competing in pageants... has a weird sense of humor.... lives for the next mission trip... excels in college where she's studying to be a nurse...loves God more than fitting in
Blake...The Jock
has never found a sport he didn't know how to play.... competitive.... tenderhearted.... makes friends easily.... has found a new love in missions.... knows every sport statistic and player, even the ones before his time.... wouldn't surprise me if he didn't become a Youth Pastor some day
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