**disclaimer; no wedding photos :( scanner down, so I had to use what I had in the laptop.
**ok, felt guilty...so I took a picture of my wedding pictures to put on this blog...they are super poor quality, but maybe you can see how young and naive' we were!! LOL!Our love story begins nearly 17 years ago....back when it was the "cool" thing to do to cruise town on Friday and Saturday night and burn a tank of gas or two. That's when Quentin first laid eyes on me. I was 17, he was 23. He was cruising town with one of his buds (who I happened to know) and I was walking into Dodge's Chicken Store to get some gum...isn't this romantic?? He told the guy I was pretty and that he was going to marry me someday...his buddy politely informed him that I was a little young. End of story.
Enter his ex-girlfriend's mother. Friend of my family for a long time, but oddly enough, Quentin and I had never met. Our paths had somehow never crossed. She decides to set us up...I'm not sure of her logic, afterall, this was her daughter's former beau. I stood him up 3 times before I finally went out with him. I still can't believe my parents even let me, but they did. He was so nice and polite....I wish I could say that I fell in love then, but I didn't. I did however, fall in lust. Which is how Mallorye came along.

I thought my life had ended, but man oh man...it had really just begun. From the beginning Quentin has loved me. And loved me unconditionally. Even when I didn't love him. Even when I wasn't loveable. Even when I was downright mean. We had Mallorye. Married. And began the trials of marriage. I had alot to learn! I failed on almost every test, but he just kept on loving me. Mallorye may have taught me what love was...but Quentin has taught me HOW to love. He does it so well, that I sometimes take it for granted.
Quentin supports me in everything that I venture out to do....whether it be singing on our Praise Team or competing for Mrs. Arkansas...he's always my #1 fan. He helps me around the house...much more than I give him credit for...but he doesn't mind washing dishes, laundry, or even scrubbing floors. He understand that I need girlfriend time and he makes a way for that to happen. We may not have alot of money, but we are rich in love....all because I have a husband that refused to give up on me. Quentin fought for us, even when he was the only warrior. I'm so thankful!
He's a wonderful father and I love seeing him interact with his kids. That's something I missed dearly while he was in Iraq....having him beside me at the ballgames...cheering the kids on. He has such a playful side with them (and brings that out in me).

On August 8th we'll celebrate 16 years. The first 10 were ....nearly impossible...it's a wonder any of us made it out alive. The next 3 were hard. The last 2 have been wonderful!! I finally know how to love and can accept the love that Quentin has been trying to show me for so long.

Happy Valentine's baby....I love you to the very depth of my soul!
Check out Andrea's blog for more love stories and while you're there...write your own!
16 years is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations.
NO WAY!! We were married on August 8th too - isn't that awesome? We were married 8-8-98 . . . almost ten years.
I'm so glad you're happy now and everything was worthwhile. Life is a struggle, and it's so hard to see the sunshine through the rain sometimes. But when that sunshine comes, the rainbow isn't too far behind . . .
Wow, 16 years! That's a huge accomplishment! He sounds like a wonderful man :) Seems as though God has truly blessed your family! Thanks for sharing your story.
LOL hubby and I were married August 12th, lots of August marriages I'm noticing :)
Loved your story, thank you for sharing :)
What a sweet story. The love grows deeper with each passing year, that's what my momma always told me!
Sounds like you have a wonderful husband and family!
Love is sometimes not very easy. I'm so happy you have someone like your hubby! To many many more happy years of being in love!
I was trying to read through all of the love stories and then go back and comment- not sure why...:) but, anyway, Thanks for sharing your sweet story.
Thanks for such a lovely and honest post! May you guys share many more years like the past two! Happy Valentines's Day!
Sister I'm right there with ya! If I'd known how to git away with it...I'd a hung mine the first 10ish years! Now after 15, I can't seem to get enough of him...God is so good to give us what we NEED, not what we WANT isn't He? Loved your story. Love the way you described how your love has grown and changed. Happy Love Day to you.
This story really touched my heart - I loved reading how Quentin loved you no matter what.
Daniel and I are coming up on 7 years of marriage - and it just keeps getting more and more amazing. I can't wait to get to the 16 like you guys!
What a sweet story.
Why are us women so hard headed sometimes?!
Isn't it wonderful that God knows what is best for us...even if we aren't sure? Thanks for sharing your love story.
Well sis ...ya know i am not much on the love stories, but your know mine and Lissas well as anyone. Theres alot more I will share one day, but right now , the story would be so long... who'd want to read it?lol
August 8th, seems to be a popular date in Arkansas and in your friends replies... my mother and an uncle and my brother all share that date for birthdays...
As for you and Q , I thank God each day for seeing you both through. Even with friends there , or long distance, advising or listening or praying. God gets the ultimate glory . He said he would make a way sis, and he did. Just as he did for my wife and I. I havent seen you or the kids or Q happier in a while, that last photo in the mini van says it all. I can only hope and pray that the love I have in my marriage, and that the love in your marriage will serve as testimony to what God can accomplish, during the worst of times, during the best of times. That our love in our respective families will serve to glorify God and help others to see, this is what God is about. Unconditional love. We can have everything, but if we have not love, then we have nothing. Hope all had a pleasant Valentines day
love yall sis!
Congrats on all those years together. It's totally a love story for time. I'm such a romantic at heart,lol.
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