Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Signs of Spring

I love has to be my most favorite season. The daffodils have started blooming here and as I look at them and all of the flowering trees, I'm reminded of new life and new beginnings. Isn't it just like God to give us a visual reminder...a time for renewal? Spring is that time for me.

Spring is a time to enjoy creation bursting forth in vibrant color! A time to sit on the front porch and sip have long talks with your beloved and children. It's a time when leisurely walks around the neighborhood refresh the soul. It's a time to slow down...and actually smell the roses.

Spring is my time to slow down, be quiet and still, and just listen....listen for God to whisper in my ear. Are my priorities in line with His will? Or am I chasing leprechauns? What does Spring do for you? Have you stopped to consider what God would like to show you? What is he bringing to your recall?

1 comment:

mindi said...

Gorgeous flowers, we still don't have any yet (uggghh). But they're coming.
So glad you missed the worst of the storms! Scary stuff, tornados!