Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Toward Wonder

Part of our Praise Team with Sam Middlebrook of developingworship.com

I'm home from an incredible week in Chicago where I had the awesome privilege of attending the Toward Wonder Arts Conference at Willow Creek. My computer at home is in the shop, so I'm posting from work (yes, it's my break time), so this will be short and I'll have to elaborate later.

I guess the #1 thing to tell you is that I was completely blown away by the love of my God and had an encounter with Him that I have never experienced. I worshipped for the first time completely uninhibited and with abandon. I mean really people, if the Creator of this universe is not worthy of authentic worship, then we have a problem.

There was a moment that will be forever etched in my mind on the first morning....we (around 2700 people that lead the worship at their churches or help in some way) were singing "How Great Is Our God" and the band quit playing. You just heard all those voices praising our God and stretching their hands toward Heaven....almost as if we were trying to touch Him and I guess we were...and then the shades went up on these huge windows in the auditorium and I was gazing on God's majesty...the trees, blue skies, a waterfall...it was a breathtaking moment for me and I thought...WOW...my God is huge! He created all this beauty and He created me and He loves me and wants a relationship with me and....and...and....I never want to leave that feeling of complete awe. Everyday there are moments worthy of awe and wonder if only we take time to notice.

There's so much to tell you about that week...and I will...but my time is almost up and I want to tell you that I had the opportunity to lead worship at my home church this past Sunday and it was still just as incredible. Why? Because my perspective was different. I finally got it. This just isn't some god I serve...it is the living God and He chooses to be my friend, my father, my everything. I literally wept on stage this past Sunday...to the point I could no longer sing....I'm just completely humbled and in love with my Jesus. He has this all in His hands...all my cares and worries....all my triumphs and emotions...all of it. Wow!

I hope you have a blessed day and find the Wonder in your ordinary day!

1 comment:

Amber said...

So glad that you had a great experience!

Sounds great!!

Hope your computer feels better soon.