Sunday, July 29, 2007

Post-Deployment...nice ring, huh?

I just got home from our first official "Post Deployment FRG Meeting." That sounds so good!! We had a pretty good attendance today. We're gearing up for the homecoming of our soldiers and preparing for our FRG to move into the next phase. It seems there's so much to get done...banners to be made, t-shirts to design, celebrations to plan....not to mention the stuff around the house that needs to get done. Although I must say, I'm in pretty good shape there. Everyone is getting so excited. We have a "banner painting" party scheduled at the first of August and our t-shirt lady is busy designing the welcome home shirt that we hope the entire town will sport in support of our guys. We want to paint this town yellow and line the streets with supporters, bigger and better, than for the send off. It's hard to believe that it's been a year....(marked on July 22)...but here we are. For the most part, we've survived. I'm reminded of a quote by Maya Angeou...." we are changed by our circumstances, but we are not reduced by them." I think that sums up the past year. I know that I have been forever changed...patriotism now runs deep in my blood...I'm more independent and less afraid of children and I have forged a bond that could not have been made this strong under normal circumstances....I am much more grateful and less selfish. The list goes on...

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