Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm joining Kimba and unplugging tomorrow (Friday) for the entire day.

What does this mean for me?
*I won't be checking emails or blogs
*I will turn my Twitter's off for the day
*I will not respond to text messages
*I won't veg out in front of the television

*because life is full of enough distractions
*because I need to focus on some areas
*because God wants my best & I need to recharge by unplugging

In The Mean Time...
I will be spending the day in my normal routine, just without the technology distractions. I plan to use this "redeemed" time in God's Word and in prayer. Also, my family will get some much needed undivided attention. I'll be posting on Monday what I learned through this process and who knows...this could become a weekly challenge for me!


Amber said...

I'm so impressed with all the will power y'all have. Unplugging is an excellent way to readjust priorities. I need a day like that so badly....I'm working on it.

Good for you!!

kelliegene said...

I missed you today!!!! Come back, please come back!