Thursday, August 6, 2009

And So It Begins....

One thing that is for certain is that there is no certainty in life.

We've been gearing up for Q's 2nd overseas deployment and it seems to be moving at warp speed. He goes on training orders Monday, which will carry him through till their Active Duty orders begin. He'll be in Afghanistan before the holidays and won't be home again until the Fall of 2010.

And begins.

A year of missing my husband. A year of worry. A year of trying to fill the void. A year of missed holidays, birthdays, and special moments. A year we'll never get back.

I don't want to do this again. I'm not sure I'm strong enough. But I know I have to. And I will. I will stand by my soldier, proudly supporting him and all of our troops. I will hold the homefront down. I will try to fill both my mommy shoes and daddy shoes while he defends our freedom. I'm proud of him. But none of that makes it hurt less...just makes the hurt worth it.

I've been keeping my thoughts in a private blog...not yet ready to open it up to readers, but soon maybe. For now, an occasional update will have to suffice. I'm trying to come up with a way to pass the time with two teenagers...something we can do each week and check off that we're one week closer to dad being home, but my mind is blank. I'm so open to suggestions!!

So that's the quick update. School starts in less than 2 should have plenty to blog about then! Hope everyone has an awesome day!!

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