Mindi asked if given the chance would I have an Extreme Home Makeover? YES! We currently do not own a home and rent, but I would love to have a home of our own that could reflect all our personality. I'm always so fascinated at this show that they are able to capture each person's unique personality and put their mark on their room...all in one week!
A funny side note; my daughter did write a letter to the show while her daddy was in Iraq, but never mailed it. I explained that I don't think it would work since we don't actually own a house for them to demolish!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Journey Through Psalms
The journey has begun...and I am so-o-o- excited!! Last night was the first night of our Ladies Bible Study over the Psalms of Ascent, using Beth Moore's newest study, "Stepping Up." I came expectant and my God did not disappoint.
One thing Beth said that really stuck was, "your circumstances will feel a whole lot better when you and I get it through our heads that we are just passing through." That excites me! I'm just a pilgrim passing through this way...the troubles I have today will be gone tomorrow. This is just my journey to the throne of God. Wow! Isn't it awesome to know that this "ain't" all there is? That God has so much more in store for us? I don't know about you, but I can't help but be excited by the fact that my Saviour is just paving the way for a better day for me! Amen and Amen!
She challenged us to get "face down" before God (literally) each day during this study. I have to admit, this is an uncomfortable area...makes me feel vulnerable...but I'm committed to being obedient and look forward to what God is going to teach me through this time.
Finally, the verse that lept off the page at me last night and again this morning, is Joshua 5:14 "speak Lord, you're servant is listening." That is my prayer and my heart cry.
One thing Beth said that really stuck was, "your circumstances will feel a whole lot better when you and I get it through our heads that we are just passing through." That excites me! I'm just a pilgrim passing through this way...the troubles I have today will be gone tomorrow. This is just my journey to the throne of God. Wow! Isn't it awesome to know that this "ain't" all there is? That God has so much more in store for us? I don't know about you, but I can't help but be excited by the fact that my Saviour is just paving the way for a better day for me! Amen and Amen!
She challenged us to get "face down" before God (literally) each day during this study. I have to admit, this is an uncomfortable area...makes me feel vulnerable...but I'm committed to being obedient and look forward to what God is going to teach me through this time.
Finally, the verse that lept off the page at me last night and again this morning, is Joshua 5:14 "speak Lord, you're servant is listening." That is my prayer and my heart cry.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
20 Questions..Blog Style
Well, I thought I'd get in on the action....Tarah and Sarah...and many more I'm sure are having their own little Q&A and I thought, "what the heck?" So, although I don't have a large base of readers, I thought for those of you that do read this blog and have this burning desire to know something about me, here's your chance to find out. Anything at all...and yes, I realize that is opening a whole new door. So, fire away!
Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is how I'm feeling today.
Blake is still home...I think he may be feeling better...but who knows...I've been in bed most of the day, trying not to move. I don't know who's taking care of who today. My body is aching and my head is pounding. My energy level is non-existent. I finally got up and showered and had some toast. So far, so good.
Ok, back to the couch for me...please pray I'm feeling better SOON!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
What Got Me Through

I'm at home this afternoon with a sick little boy, so I thought I'd blog a little in between loads of...more laundry!
I've been meaning to post this for a while...not sure how many people that read my blog are part of the military family, in the midst of a deployment, or know someone who is, but these books were some of what got me through the past year and a half.
My favorite; "Heroes at Home" by Ellie Kay...this is a great book not only for the military, but the civilian striving to understand. It covers everything from practical ways to help military families, budget, stress relief, moving, deployments. It really is the best book I've found.
Another great book is actually a Bible study, "Hope for the Homefront" by Marshele Carter Waddell. This study focuses on the emotional and spiritual battle associated with being a military wife, specifically during a deployment.
And lastly, another fave is "While They're At War" by Kristin Henderson. Warning: this is not for the faint of heart. This was definitely a tell it like it is book from the point of view of those living in the trenches. I, personally, like to know all options and angles and possibilities. The good, bad, and ugly. So, for me, this book was great...but it not only tells the good side, but it tells the really ugly part also...divorce, death, and the like. Definitely not for everyone.
I read everything I could get my hands on since I wasn't used to being a full time military wife. These are just my top picks, but there are a myriad of resources available. Outside of books, here are a few of my top "Get me through this deployment" resources;
Military Spouse
Military One Source
My local FRG
Mommy Time...weekly and even a couple of weekend trips over the 15 month deployment.
Not an all-inclusive list, but at least there are some options.
Ok, back to nurse duty!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Wash, Rinse, Spin..Repeat
Just in case you thought your life was boring!

And has anyone ever noticed that the "normal" setting on the washer uses "mixed colors?" Is that like mixed nuts? Just find it odd that normal and mixed are in the same little setting...makes me think mixed up...call me crazy.

I spent a large chunk of my evening doing...."wash, rinse, spin, repeat."

And really, where does all this laundry come from? And where do ALL THE SOCKS GO??
I'm really thinking that doing too much laundry causes insanity...I mean afterall, I just wrote an entire blog entry (complete with pictures) about laundry?! And you read it...so be careful about passing judgement :)

And has anyone ever noticed that the "normal" setting on the washer uses "mixed colors?" Is that like mixed nuts? Just find it odd that normal and mixed are in the same little setting...makes me think mixed up...call me crazy.

I spent a large chunk of my evening doing...."wash, rinse, spin, repeat."

And really, where does all this laundry come from? And where do ALL THE SOCKS GO??
I'm really thinking that doing too much laundry causes insanity...I mean afterall, I just wrote an entire blog entry (complete with pictures) about laundry?! And you read it...so be careful about passing judgement :)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Freedom Salute

Quentin also received the Army Commendation Medal and the Combat Action Badge...hasn't officially gotten paperwork on the CAB, but it should be completed soon. I am so proud of my man!

So, this chapter closes...although I'm sure that it will be forever ingrained in my DNA. I think going through a deployment definitely changes a person and the way you think. I look at the above picture and I swell with pride at what my husband, and the soldiers he was with, accomplished...and pride in the families that stood by them! Hooah!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Pretty Dog-gone Real!
You Are 75% Real |
![]() You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself. Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great... But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults. As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real. |
Super Fling Boogie
Ok...absolutely nothing exciting has gone on in this house this week (that I'm at liberty to share yet, anyway)...but today does kick off the Super Fling Boogie at Flylady! You can check out all the details here!!
I'm working today, so decided to start my flinging at my desk...wow, what a mess! Those who know me, know that I'm OCD and cannot stand clutter and disorder, so I love flinging STUFF. My desk was no different. I plan on hitting the exercise room/office this weekend and may even venture under the kitchen sink! Feel free to join in on all the fun.
For now, I guess I'll go back to getting rid of some work on my desk before my day ends and I call it a week!
I'm working today, so decided to start my flinging at my desk...wow, what a mess! Those who know me, know that I'm OCD and cannot stand clutter and disorder, so I love flinging STUFF. My desk was no different. I plan on hitting the exercise room/office this weekend and may even venture under the kitchen sink! Feel free to join in on all the fun.
For now, I guess I'll go back to getting rid of some work on my desk before my day ends and I call it a week!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
New Year, Fresh Start
Yes, I do realize that it is January 5th, but I'm a procrastinator at heart! I do love a new year...a chance to reflect on the past, set new goals, clean out the clutter in our lives. So, I've been thinking all week..."what do I really want this year to be about?" What changes do I need to make? What did I do well in 2007? And what needs major improvement? I have a large array of goals, but I try to really focus on a few from each of the areas of well-being....spiritual, physical, & emotional.
1. I will read through and study the New Testament along with our church.
2. I will spend time each week in quiet reflection with my God..."be still and know that I am God."
3. I will find ways to incorporate scripture memory into my every day life
1. I will lose 40 pounds this year by changing my eating habits and exercising
2. I will give up sodas :(
3. I will at least WALK on the treadmill daily
1. I will learn to breathe...instead of becoming angry
2. I will forgive those that have hurt me and not look back
3. I will focus on the positive of each day, noting how much I have to be grateful for
This is just the big things on my list...the ones I struggle with the most and am desperate to see change in this year. I want so many more things this year...to have my home be a reflection of Christ...to live more simply...to spend more time making memories with my family...to allow my creativity to flourish.
What do you wish for the new year? What will you change? For without change, you cease to grow and I never want to stop growing.
1. I will read through and study the New Testament along with our church.
2. I will spend time each week in quiet reflection with my God..."be still and know that I am God."
3. I will find ways to incorporate scripture memory into my every day life
1. I will lose 40 pounds this year by changing my eating habits and exercising
2. I will give up sodas :(
3. I will at least WALK on the treadmill daily
1. I will learn to breathe...instead of becoming angry
2. I will forgive those that have hurt me and not look back
3. I will focus on the positive of each day, noting how much I have to be grateful for
This is just the big things on my list...the ones I struggle with the most and am desperate to see change in this year. I want so many more things this year...to have my home be a reflection of Christ...to live more simply...to spend more time making memories with my family...to allow my creativity to flourish.
What do you wish for the new year? What will you change? For without change, you cease to grow and I never want to stop growing.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
We Can Pray
Last night while checking on my bloggy friends, I was reminded of how fortunate I am. My husband is home, safe from the war in Iraq. One of my friends' husband left yesterday for training in preparation for his tour of duty in Iraq. I understand the loneliness, the fear, the tears, the anxieties....yet I feel so helpless. I wish I had words of wisdom for her. I wish that I could hug her tight and tell her that it's all going to be ok. But, I'm just someone on the other end of a computer...miles away...yet with a common bond. So, I decided the one thing I can do is pray! And ask you to pray. Please don't forget our troops that fight for our freedom, sacrficing their own. Please don't forget their families and the sacrifices that they make. Pray for Mindi and her husband Kevin...and drop her a line of encouragement when you can! Thank you!
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