I really want this blog to be more than a glimpse of the chaos in my life...I want to be able to share what God is doing in my life and challenge you (the reader) to listen for God's whispers and see what He wants to do in your life.
I decided the best way to do that is a weekly reflection telling what God is showing me in my current Bible Study...(I'm actually doing two at the moment, the other one is by Lisa Whelchel and is a scrapbooking your legacy kind of thing)
..."Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be, A 90 Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life" by Donna Partow.
I'm currently finishing up Week 2, so I'll do a catch up this week and then try to stay current on here! Be patient with me!
Week 1: Faith Foundations
Donna asked us to start a notebook that would really be our lifeline, not just now, but to be used for years to come. I already use a planner, but this is going to be different. It combines every aspect of my being into one concise notebook...kind of like
Flylady meets
Franklin Covey meets
Beth Moore. She also had us develop a Personal Vision Statement and write it in the front of our notebooks, so that we can make sure that the things we're doing line up with our personal mission.
My Personal Vision Statement:
is to use my gifts of singing and creativity to inspire and encourage others to actively serve God and one another, so that non-Believers can SEE God's love.
The remaining part of the week was concentrated on developing our spiritual disciplines, such as TAG (Time Alone with God), Scripture Memory, and getting our mind focused on God. I learned that you make time for what's important and if I don't consciously schedule time for God then I probably won't make the time to build my relationship with Him. I also was challenged to be more disciplined in becoming the woman that God desires me to be, so that I can be the wife my husband needs and deserves and that God has planned for him.
Week 2: Godly Habits
Now we're getting into the
nitty gritty of spiritual disciplines! The first day was on being
consciously selective about what we allow in our minds. This hit home hard for me. I've struggled with this for years...wanting to give up certain things, but worried about how it would be perceived by others, even my family. Not anymore. I was challenged to clean up my
IPOD, get rid of a large portion of my books that are not glorifying to God (actually had started this process already) , and only listen to Christian music, as well as fast from the TV. It's a tall order and I'm sure that I will face scrutiny along the way, but I know that when I'm spending time with God and not dawdling away precious time on mindless things, that I feel better and have a more positive attitude...which everyone loves! This week I also made a commitment to TAG at 5:15AM. If it was important enough for Christ to meet with God first thing in the morning, then it should be for me as well.
I also added to my notebook a Prayer Section, Bible Study section, and Morning and Evening Routines.
So, what has God shown you this week?